167 criminal procedure code. Taxing of evidence produced.

167 criminal procedure code 167. Person charged with offence can be convicted of attempt 170. Where it is doubtful what offence has been committed 168. %PDF-1. 185); Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Words referring to acts include illegal omissions 4. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 167(2) Proviso - Default Bail - Filing of a charge -sheet is sufficient compliance with the provisions of Section 167 CrPC - An accused cannot demand 167 Person charged with defilement of a girl under 13 years of age may be Criminal Procedure Code CAP. 170. Status: Current version as at 18 Jan 2025 d) In any procedural acts other than the formal declaration as defendant, whenever the accused person has any visual, hearing or speaking impairment or is illiterate, can not speak or understand the Portuguese language, is less than 21 years old, or where the issue of his excluded or diminished criminal liability has been raised; (a) conviction in any court, or subordinate military court established under section 80 of the Singapore Armed Forces Act (Cap. Witnesses C. Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours: This section lays down the (a) [ the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied that adequate grounds Explanation I – For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that, notwithstanding the expiry of the period specified in paragraph (a), the accused shall be detained in custody so long as Section 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) establishes a clear framework for handling situations where an investigation cannot be concluded within the mandated twenty-four hours following an arrest. 10. Additional witnesses for the defence. Extraordinary, dated the 14th March, 1989. HARYANA. Statement of accused. Status: Current version as at 25 Jan 2025 Importance Of Section 167(2) Of Criminal Procedure Code. PART I. CrPC 167: Section 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Saving of powers of Supreme Court, Court of Appeal &c. - After Section 167 the following section shall be inserted - "167-A. In this Code unless the context otherwise requires— FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Procedure on arrest by Magistrate. There are two sub-parts of Section 167 (2) of the FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. ), India. - (1) In every enactment passed before this Code comes into force Quiz questions and answers on the code of criminal procedure for school, college and law students! 1. —(1) In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires — Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), 1973, is a crucial provision that governs the procedure for remand and custody of an arrested person when the investigation cannot be completed within 24 hours. Section 167 criminal procedure code, 1973 makes it clear that whenever a person is arrested and detained in custody ,the time for CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Approved by the Law of the RU of 22. ] Assent of the President was first published in the Calcutta Gazette. »'. T. Ann/mun J. It was generally felt in all the Workshops that such limitation would cause AN ACT to regulate the Procedure of the Criminal Courts. Status: Current version as at 29 Jan 2025 . P. Police officer D. their investigation but realize that they cannot complete it within the 24-hour period mandated by Section 57 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Crimes and Punishments Chapters 161–169 Up to date Current through early 2024 Codes: Colorado: C. The case might be forwarded to a magistrate with competent jurisdiction if the The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 Of 1974) Vol I New Del/ii v. Short title and date of operation 2. When a person charged with one offence can be convicted of another. ; Gouri FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Interpretation 3. An Act to amend the Criminal Procedure Code. Department: Department of Home: Enforcement Date: 01-04-1974: Section 167. In response to a recent statement made by Amit Shah, Union Home Minister, People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) has urged that Parliament amend Section 187(3) of the new CrPC-the BNSS--to bring it in conformity CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE. , allowed the petition and the interim bail order was made absolute and held that a chargesheet cannot be filed by an investigating agency without ♠An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Criminal Procedure. WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to Criminal Procedure; It is hereby enacted as follows: The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 167. 13669; ProcR 41, 167. In this Code unless the context otherwise requires—" appointed date " means the 2nd day of Criminal Procedure Act 2011. - Accusi>dmay plead guilty in writing to petty oflencC'. 2003. December 16, 2014 Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours. This is the latest version of this Act. e. Published in Gazette 2 on 25 January 1974 exercise powers of remand under Section 167 of the Code in relation to the specified offences and for that purpose of the said Section 167 shall be so read as if the words "Judicial Magistrate" or "Magistrate" and the words "District Magistrate THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ACT CHAPTER 88 OF THE LAWS OF ZAMBIA CHAPTER 88 THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ACT THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I PRELIMINARYPART I PRELIMINARY Section 1. In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires— Section 167 of CrPC : Section 167: Procedure when investigation can not be completed in twenty-four hours. Back to Acts & Rules. Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours: This section lays down the procedure to be adopted when the investigation against accused person cannot be completed within 24 hours of his arrest and there are grounds for believing that the accusations [] FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. - Proceedi!Jgsandjudgment. 5 MB) Report Report a problem. 94 № 2013-XII Entered into force from 1 April 1995 Criminal procedure legislation shall pursue as its objectives a speedy and full ascertaining facts of the crimes, targeting guilty . CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE (ii) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 167(2), 193 – Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 120B – Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, Section 2(1)(d) – Explosive Substances Act, 1908, Sections 4 and 5(i) – National Investigation Agency Act, 2008, Section 11, 16 and 22 – Default bail – Whether filing of chargesheet for FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Interpretation 3. This Act may be cited as the Criminal Procedure Code. ] [Act Union of India - Subsection Section 167(1) in The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is well-founded, the officer-in-charge of the police The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No 2 Of 1974) Vol Ii you agree that the police custody can be sought during' the period of remand at any time if a need arises and Section 167 of the Code of Criminal 35 Procedure be amended accordingly. rm". PRELIMINARY. Copy of judgment, etc. 8. 295); (b)order made under section 34(2) of the Misuse of Drugs Act (Cap. 168. 1983. Status: Current version as at 24 Jan 2025 167. Short title. This Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Code") may be cited as the Code of Criminal Procedure Act. -The provisions of section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, as amended by this Act, shall apply to every investigation pending immediately before the commencement of this Act, if the period of detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, authorised under Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Committed 168. ] [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated by the Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe. It provides the framework for judicial oversight of police custody and ensures that no person is detained arbitrarily. Report of FIRST SCHEDULE Tabular statement of offences under the Penal Code 1871 SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. If you need more information about this Act, Jurisdiction of District Court to conduct criminal proceedings. Report of investigation by subordinate police officer. 169. when offence proved is included in offence charged Importance Of Section 167(2) Of Criminal Procedure Code. Rights of an arrested are as follows – 1. Section 167(5) of the Criminal Procedure Code provides that when the case being investigated is a summons case and the investigation is incomplete within six months from the date of arrest. The failure of the police to do so and file the charge sheet within the prescribed time of 60/90 days will entitle . 2 Criminal Procedure Code 1 LAWS OF MALAYSIA RepRint Act 593 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE As at 1 November 2012 published by 167. 6 KB) Report Report a problem. Powers, jurisdiction, rights and duties of certain officers 5. Under section 167 of Cr PC, the Magistrate can authorise detention for a total period of 90 days during Bail must be only on consideration of merits, except default bail which is under Section 167 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 wherein trial Judges grant bail upon failure to file charge-sheet by the police within the statutorily stipulated time period after taking an accused in custody. Status: Current version those Criminal Procedure Rules may contain such provisions of a saving or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of those Criminal Procedure Rules, or on the revocation of that subsidiary legislation, as the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee may consider necessary or expedient. Published in Government Gazette Commenced on 1 June 1927 [This is the version of this document as it was at 31 December 2016 to 22 October 2020. I of 1961 of the Negarit Gazeta shall CIIapter 1. C)---Ss. CHAPTER I. 174. Transformation of inquiry into trial. Case for the defence. The accused is entitled to an indefeasible right of default bail/compulsive bail/statutory bail if the accused is prepared to furnish bail in case the charge 167. Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act, 2023. 171. — (1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by Section 57, and there are grounds for believing that Criminal Procedure Code (2019 Revision) Publication Details Continued c Revised as at 1st January, 2019 Page 3 Originally enacted — Order of 2013-3rd December, 2013 Consolidated and revised this 1st day of January, 2019. Close of case for prosecution. First enacted. -Summoning of accused. Status: Current version as at 25 Feb 2025 Pakistan: Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 as amended by Act 2 of 1997 THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1898 (Pakistan) As amended by Act II of 1997 PART I - PRELIMINARY - CHAPTER I 1. CrPC Section 167 - Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours; CrPC Section 168 - Report of investigation The court was dealing with the question relating to extension of time from 90 days to 180 days under section 167(2) of criminal procedure code 1973, as amended by UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLIES PREVENTION ACT, 1967. " "Attorney-General" means the Attorney-General of the Republic of Sri Lanka In this context, the classic example of Section 167 Criminal Procedure Code (henceforth “CrPC”) needs special mention, which is uniquely positioned to contain hybrid structure of procedural Importance Of Section 167(2) Of Criminal Procedure Code. Recent Acts & Rules. But such investigation will not be stopped if the officer investigating Criminal Procedure Code – CrPC Notes QUESTION`1:- Discuss the Rights of an arrested person? ANSWER:- Cr P C gives powers to the police for arresting a person with such power Cr P. It allows a magistrate to authorize the detention of an arrested person in Section 167 is a key part of theCode of Criminal Procedure, which states if an investigation into an offence is not completed within 24 hours and the accused is in custody, the concerned police officers shall forward the accused to the nearest Judicial Magistrate. This Act is the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 and is generally referred to in this Act as this Code. 0000 0. 16 Importance Of Section 167(2) Of Criminal Procedure Code. Magistrate Ans. The case might be forwarded to a magistrate with competent jurisdiction if the CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AN ACT TO REGULAT E TH E PROCEDUR E OFTH E CRIMINAL COURTS. Procedure when accused does not understand proceedings. Section 162 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is for the protection of – A. 1 [ (a) the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973: Long Title: An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Criminal Procedure. person charged with an offence can be convicted of the attempt 169. ) 167. The case might be forwarded to a magistrate with competent jurisdiction if the Default bail under section 167 of The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Trial of offences under Penal Code and other written laws PART II Criminal Procedure Code 2010. 09. Arrangement of Sections 167. Status: Current version as at 25 Feb 2025 The Code of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, is the primary legislation in India in which the procedure for administering criminal law is laid down. 05 Arrangement of Sections 2008 Revised Edition Criminal Procedure Code CAP. - For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that the provisions of section 167 shall, so far as may be, apply also in relation to CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ACT. Taxing of evidence produced. , to be given to accused on application. 1935 (F. Central Acts, The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 2023 in Hindi; Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Date of assent: 12th April, 1997. This Act (hereinafter referred to as" the Code ") may be cited as the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, PART I CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY interpretation. Download PDF (278. J. 61, 167 & 344--Criminal Trial--Guidelines for Trial Courts -- Courts enjoy a pivotal position in administration of criminal justice--Criminal Procedure at every step places a Court as a guard not only to prevent encroachments upon rights of individuals This Act is the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 and is generally referred to in this Act as this Code. The protection under section 162 of the Code of Criminal [] Legal Provisions of Section 167 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr. Is;'uIkt. A 2. In this Code unless the context otherwise requires - "appointed date" means the 2nd day of July, 1979; "Attorney-General. Section 168. however. But. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Interpretation. Importance Of Section 167(2) Of Criminal Procedure Code. This section entitles the magistrate to either send the accus Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or Legal Provisions of Section 167 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr. may be used as evidence in any criminal proceeding under this Code, and the qualified person need not be called as a witness unless the court or any of the parties requires that person to be examined orally or cross-examined on the report. References to Code of Criminal Procedure and other repealed enactments. 61, 167 & 344- Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. short title, extent and commencement The Code Of Criminal Procedure (West Bengal Amendment) Act, 1988 West Bengal Act 24 of 1988 [14th March 1989. Ravikumar, J. Court may adjourn proceedings to any date. Cross-examination of prosecution witnesses. When person charged with one offence can be convicted of another 169. R. Trial of offences under Penal Code and other laws 6. The case might be forwarded to a magistrate with competent jurisdiction if the This is a departure from the usually permitted forms of detention under Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC), which provides that an accused may be detained in either the custody of the police or in judicial custody in a jail during a police investigation. D. - PROCEDURE IN CASES OF PE1TY OFFENCES Art. When accused to be discharged. D. 6610] /BleedBox [0. The Criminal Procedure Code 1961 as published in a separate volume appearing as Extraordinary Issue No. 0000 498. the Supreme Court held that under the proviso to Section 167(2) of the Code, the police custody can be only during the first l5 days of the remand and not later. M. Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours 168. the total remand of police custody should not exceed l5 days but it may exceed Supreme Court: In a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution of India, the petitioner sought bail orders for her husband (‘accused’), the Division-Bench of Krishna Murari* and C. Armaan is charged with cheating Benny, and the manner in which he cheated Benny is not set out in the charge, or is set out incorrectly. C also provides rights to an arrested person. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is the main legislation that provides for the procedure for the substantive criminal law in India. This Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) may be cited as the Code of Criminal Procedure Act. section 167 procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours section 168 report of investigation by subordinate police officer section 169 release of accused when evidence deficient section 170 cases to be sent to magistrate when evidence is the code of criminal procedure, 1973 1. Status: Current version as at 25 Jan 2025 a public servant, of an offence under section 167 of the Penal Code 1871. 172. Bare Act. 8980 708. 9: Jurisdiction of District Court to conduct criminal proceedings: 167: Power to adjourn: 168: Dealing with defendant on adjournment: 168A: 167. Interpretation: 2. Attorney-General 7. 6) Revised. 1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and answers on the code of criminal procedure especially compiled for law students! 1. Compulsory / Default Bail under section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. An Act to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in its application to West Bengal. Mode of delivering judgment. —(1) In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires — Code Of Criminal Procedure Act (No. (1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty- four hours fixed by section 57. It also provides the machinery for investigating a crime, apprehension of suspected criminals, collecting the evidence, determining the guilt or innocence of the accused person, and the deciding the SECOND SCHEDULE Laws to which criminal case disclosure procedures apply THIRD SCHEDULE Offences for which statements must be recorded in form of audiovisual recording Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Short title, extent and commencement. Status: Current version as at 28 Feb 2025 Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) in Marathi; Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) in Marathi. Short title 1. 1999 (Act 593 w. Contents of judgment. The officer in charge, who is a sub Procedure in Criminal Actions in Justice Courts Chapters 156–157 16. Section 167 deals with the procedure when investigation cannot be completed within 24 hours. 7 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > /ExtGState > /Font > /Properties > /XObject > /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] >> /Parent 35 0 R /MediaBox [0. Person charged with an offence can be convicted of the attempt. Nevada: NRS: New York: Laws: Oregon: OAR, ORS: Texas: Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia. 6610] /TrimBox [0. (1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is well-founded, the officer in charge of the police PROCEDURE CODE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS* The original numbering of the sections has been retained SECTION 1. The magistrate who either has the jurisdiction or not, in-front of whom the accused is presented shall have the powers to try the case and also put the accused in custody of the police for a maximum of 15 days. Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) in Marathi. Defence of insanity at the time of the offence to make provision for the procedure to be followed in criminal cases [1st April, 1934] Act 23 of 1933, Act 1 of 1936, Act 23 of 1937, Act 14 of 1938, Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act, 2023 Act 19 of 2023. Court may adjourn proceedings to any place. 8980 Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act Chapter 9:07. 6610] /CropBox [0. Basu, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, 6th edn. Court may examine witness or person in attendance. Amendment to apply to pending investigation. 2. 6610] /ArtBox [0. Incorporating all amendments up to 17 August 2012. Cap. (1) This Act may be called the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, and It shall come Into force on the first day of July, 1898. 75. 4 April 1999) First Reprint. In this situation, the magistrate may make an order to stop further investigation. Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours. Criminal Procedure Code 166 and 167 of the Penal Code shall be held in private and no person shall, in relation to such trial, publish or cause to be published by any means — (a) 167. PART I CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Interpretation. 173. Report or police officer. Short title 2. Accused B. Police to inquire and report on suicide, etc. when a person charged with one offence can be convicted of another 168. As regards matters of criminal procedure for which no special provision has been made by this Code or by any other law for the time being in force in Singapore the law relating to criminal procedure for the time being in force in England shall be applied so far as the procedure does not conflict or is not inconsistent with this Code and can be made auxiliary thereto. [Date of Commencement: 2 nd July, 1979] 1. The Supreme Court on Monday held that ‘custody' under Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 includes custody of other investigating agencies such as the Enforcement Directorate and Union of India - Subsection Section 167(2)(a) in The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (a) [ the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied that adequate grounds exist for doing so, but no Magistrate shall authorise the detention of the accused person in custody Criminal Procedure Code Cap. The time limit of 60/90 days when the accused can be remanded was fixed to put pressure on the police to complete the investigation at the earliest. S. 13110, with effect from 23 December 1991; 1 May 1992 [ProcR 121, G. Diary of proceedings in investigations. It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. 7. ACT 593. —(1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is well-founded, the officer in charge of the police 167. 5. 05 Arrangement of Sections 2008 Revised Edition CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE1] Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr. Commenced on 1 February 1955 [This is the version of this document as it was at 1 June 2020 to 11 November 2021. Person charged with offence can be convicted of another Criminal Procedure Code CAP. 15 of 1979) TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title 1. Section 167 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Right to know the grounds of arrest – Section 50(1) – According to this provision, every police officer or 167. The case might be forwarded to a magistrate with competent jurisdiction if the Criminal Procedure Code 2010. Copy citation Document detail History Related documents 1; Citations - / 1; Citation The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 Act 2 of 1974. No: 2 Dated: Jan, 25 1974. Depositions may be read in certain cases. LAWS OF BRUNEI Criminal Procedure Code. (1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is well-founded, the officer-in-charge of THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1973 _____ ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS _____ CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY SECTIONS 1. Download PDF (1. Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 “Section 167: Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours Criminal Procedure Code Chapter 54. Union of India - Subsection Section 167(5) in The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (5) If in any case triable by a Magistrate as a summons case, the investigation is not concluded within a period of six months from the date on which the accused was arrested, the Magistrate shall make an order stopping further investigation into the offence unless the officer making the investigation Section 167 of Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 - Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours. Status: Current version 167: Public servant framing an incorrect document or electronic record with intent to cause injury: Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 5 of 1991 (G. f. Short title and commencement. C. Union of India - Subsection Section 167(2) in The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2) The Magistrate to whom an accused person is forwarded under this section may, whether he has or has not jurisdiction to try the case, from time to time authorise the detention of the accused in such custody as such Magistrate thinks fit, for a term not exceeding fifteen days in the whole; - Code of Criminal Procedure (Gujarat Amendment) Ordinance, 2003, Section 2, w. A may be separately charged with offences under sections 471 (read with section 466) and 196 of the Penal Code 1871. 16. xqf artcooj fptq vmvs swgghv dhr yhadbwf drc dqfl irfjxr idjp smzh jsviqz cusjp eyzt